About Kristina

3 Kids | 2 Dogs | 1 Husband

Working Remotely From Our Self-Built Home in the Shetland Islands, Scotland.


I don't believe in fitting in to the online "I-can-make-you-six-figures-overnight-if-you-do-what-I-say" guru shaped box.

At age 5, I remember how excited I was to start school. Giant owl-like pink spectacles, long curly hair, I remember nothing but enthusiasm for learning. A textbook teachers pet, I loved to get the answer right and being the first to put up my hand when a helper was required.

At age 14, I remember picking my subjects, and being told to decide on what I was going to do when I grew up. It seemed pretty ridiculous to have to make these big decisions already. I had no idea what I wanted to do when I grew up. Better stick with accounts, that seemed like a safe option.

At age 17, having dropped accounts as a subject for being FAR too boring a year earlier, I announced I was unaccepting my unconditional university offer to study Business Management (Mam wasn't pleased). I was handing it back. Somebody else could walk that path in my place. I was ready to WORK. I got my first job with the ICT department with our local authority and I absolutely bloody loved it.

At age 21, I started a "mans" job - overseeing and coordinating the repairs and maintenance of several hundred local authority housing schemes in our area. That was pretty fun for a while. I didn't have the builders background that the rest of my male colleagues did, but my organisation skills served me well for the next 9 years. When I was told in a review that I was "top" scoring for all sections of the review, but they'd have to "mark me down" to make sure everyone else didn't look bad, I lost the love for what I was doing.  I was done.  I can't (or won't) do something I'm not in love with doing, and I can't fake it either.

At age 30, baby number three came along, we finally tied the knot, and I decided that with a new surname, came a new life. I quit my job and believed I'd find my way to something better. I stopped fitting in to the boxes that were designed for me, and started re-discovering who I really am deep down. Unapologetically quirky, endlessly curious about magic and the universe, and a whole load of extreme enthusiasm for a business I didn't even know was a "thing" the year before.

At age 31, Kristina Smith Virtual Business Solutions was born and finally I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. It was full on duck-to-water, magical happenings. I hadn't a f**king clue what I was doing back then, but I muddled my way through to the age I am today (a 1985 baby - you do the math), with a fully loaded happy client list, a role leading a membership with one of the best all-in-one platform software providers there is and a fabulous team behind me to boot.

Life is pretty bl**dy good when you decide to make your own wonky box, add some wheels and trust enough to hurtle along your very own bumpy path to freedom.

Kristina Signature  large

If I'm by your side, you can guarantee I will be championing the sh*t out of your success, and I will work tirelessly with you to make sure you have what you need to show up and shine. Day in, day out. In business and life.



  • I can’t say that Simplero has transformed our business and the way we do things, because it’s not been Simplero alone… it’s been Simplero and KRISTINA.

    She knows this brilliant and powerful system inside out, so that, though I understand the principles of how everything is set up, it’s Kristina who is so brilliant at setting up the detail, and at great speed too.

    This Dynamic Duo then, of Simplero and Kristina, allows me to concentrate on what I’m good at, creating content, and talking about it to the world, all the time knowing that Kristina has it sorted.

    John C. Parkin

    Best Selling Author & Relaxation Expert

  • I have used Simplero for a number of years now and have always found it to be fairly straight forward and reliable as it does everything I need it it!

    Then I started working with Kristina and realised I had only really made the most of a small part of Simplero and so it just got better. 

    Kristina has so much expertise when using Simplero that my business is now mainly automated but yet still feels like it has a wonderful personal touch.

    Sarie Taylor

    The Perfectly Imperfect Mind Mentor

  • Stop right now and hire this woman! Kristina makes my whole business world go round. She’s intuitive, creative and an amazing problem solver. I wholeheartedly recommend Kristina and her enthusiasm, dynamism and energy. She rocks!

    Hayley Gillard

    Compassionate Leaders

  • Working with Kristina has brilliant for my business and sanity. She is very professional, flexible and always willing to help even at short notice. She really worked with me to understand my business and customers to help make sure all my messaging is right. Offered great advice for systems and processes, keeping it simple and manageable for me. Great communication and knowledgeable on so many systems. She also helped with great wee videos to allow me to learn some things myself. I would highly recommend Kristina, always a pleasure to work with and an asset to my business.

    Orielle Taylor

    Orielle Taylor Coaching

  • Top Notch Service! I was referred to Kristina through my website hosting platform. I had a question that I needed help answering and also maybe also executing as I didn't feel confident in my abilities. In less than 24 hours I was taken care of and shown exactly what I could do with clear directions and additional ideas to make my work go further - saving me time and resources for my business. Thank you Kristina for your generous support, expertise and time.

    Melissa Rose

    Dance Studio Owner

  • I am always so thrilled when Kristina finds solutions to everything I need to help me move forward!

    Her knowledge of simplero is amazing!

    I am grateful and blessed to work with her

    Susie Gessey

    Spiritual Healer, Teacher & Mentor

  • Kristina has been absolutely brilliant to work with over the past year as I have set up my new business.

    She is so knowledgeable of Simplero and setting up memberships and does everything 10x faster than I could.

    She is so quick and efficient in everything she does and I’m always surprised when I get my invoice to see how little time it has taken her to achieve the long lists I give her to do.

    I absolutely love working with her and am grateful for her every day.

    Bronwyn Smith

    Connected Child

  • Kristina is a life saver! The way my business is structured means I generate a lot of content for my Moon School Members each month and keeping up with all the admin was exhausting and left me with very little time for anything else. Being able to pass my passion to someone I completely trust to love it as much as I do is priceless and I don’t know what I would do without this support. Yes, actually I do and it would probably involve some sort of breakdown! Being supported so well means I can love my business even more than before. Kristina you’re amazing!

    Sarah Cornforth

    The Magickal Creatrix

  • Kristina is, without doubt, one of the best ever VAs I have ever had the pleasure to work with.

    She is unique, (in my humble opinion), as she possesses a rare blend of efficiency, organisation, technical knowledge, and, is incredibly creative.  There is no end to her skills.  You could not ask for a better mix.  And if that is not enough, she is a totally fun, lovely person

    Having Kristina onside to grow your business is the most sound investment you will ever make.  If only we could clone that girl!!

    Tracey Baxter

Why All The Lemons, Kristina?

Because I'm Refreshing, zingy and make online business easy-peasy lemon-squeezy for the non-square business owner.

Or so I've been told. Plus, I just really love lemons... And Yellow.

Follow along with me on Instagram... 

Meet The Team

Kirsty Spain

My Online Business Manager - Kirsty keeps me heading in the right direction and makes sure all our clients are well looked after. Kirsty specialises in podcast management, online course building, customer journeys and platform set ups including Dubsado and Mailerlite.

I could not be more grateful for the service Kirsty provides to me and our team! - Kristina